received a few requests lately for a demo on how to do chili in an
edible bread bowl. I’m not sure if these people don’t know it’s simply a
round loaf with a hole dug out of it, or if they’re just into watching
me teach incredibly obvious things, but that’s one food wish that may
not come true. What’s next, watch Chef John make ice?
unlike the aforementioned bread bowl, this sausage and rice stuffed
acorn squash recipe is an example of an edible vessel that begs for a
detailed demonstration. The stuffing is very easy, as is the cooking
method, but the acorn squash prep does need to be done carefully and
with precision.
far as the ingredients go, this will work with any sausage, but please
keep in mind you’ll want to adjust your seasonings depending on what you
choose. I used mint because it pairs very well with the spicy lamb
sausage, but basil or parsley may work better with a hot Italian
sausage, for example.